Important Updates for Students Registering for Summer and Fall Classes
Students need to review important updates to the registration process for fall 2025 classes.
For Students Registering using Plan Ahead
If you are registering for Fall 2025 using a Plan Ahead plan and experience issues, register using this link.
After you click the link, choose "Indiana University of Pennsylvania" from the list and then click "Registration" to access the Registration Toolbox.
Registration Schedule for Summer and Fall 2025
All time appointments begin at 8:00 a.m.
Group | Date |
Veterans: Graduate and Undergraduate |
Monday, March 31 |
Priority (non-veterans) Graduate and Undergraduate |
Tuesday, April 1 |
Graduate Students |
Wednesday, April 2 |
Senior (90 or more credits) |
Wednesday, April 2 |
Junior (60–89 credits) |
Friday, April 4 |
Sophomore (30–59 credits)* |
Monday, April 7 |
Freshman (0–29 credits) |
Wednesday, April 9 |
Summer 2025
All time appointments begin at 8:00 a.m.
Event | Date |
All Continuing Undergraduate and Graduate Students |
Monday, March 31 |
*This registration process is for continuing IUP students only. Incoming freshmen and transfer students will register for classes as part of Orientation.
- To define a student’s registration class for the purpose of assigning a registration time appointment, previously earned credits plus currently enrolled (in-progress) credits are added.
- For example:
- For registration purposes only, a student’s registration class is calculated by adding their currently enrolled (in-progress) credits (e.g., 15 credits) and their previously earned credits (e.g., 16 credits) for a total number of credits (e.g., 31), making the student a sophomore for registration.
- Please note: For financial aid purposes, a student’s class is based upon their earned credits only. In the example above, the student has 16 earned credits and is a freshman for financial aid purposes.
Important Updates for Students Registering for Summer and Fall Classes
Due to the university’s OneSIS data transition, students must register for summer and fall classes using two different Registration Toolboxes, “Spring/Summer 2025” and “Fall 2025.” Both look and function the same way, but point to different versions of registration tools. There are also "Summer 2025" and "Fall 2025" versions for DegreeWorks. Detailed directions can be found below.
Some Subject Codes for Fall 2025 have changed (e.g., Music changed from MUSC to MUSI).
See the full list of subject codes, and reference this list while planning your classes with your advisor.
If you have questions or issues, be sure to reach out to your advisor, to the Advising Center at, or to your Navigator.
Learn more about the OneSIS data transition (IUP login required).
Summer 2025: How to Register for Classes in MyIUP
Summer classes do not require an alternate PIN, but you should still plan to meet with your advisor before scheduling summer and fall classes.
Check for Your Registration Date
Registration for all students for summer 2025 is Monday, March 31, 2025. Be sure to add this date to your calendar.
Check for Holds
Holds will be available on March 25, 2025.
The Course Registration and Holds card can be found on your Dashboard. (You can also find it by going to Discover and search for "holds.") On the Course Registration and Holds card, scroll down and click on "Summer 2025 Holds."
It is a good idea to also check for holds for fall 2025. To check, click the "Fall 2025 Holds" link to open the Student Profile, then click "Registration Notices" in the top right.
Holds on your account can stop you from registering on time and prevent you from getting the courses you need. If you have a hold, follow the directions on the hold to resolve it as soon as possible. If you’re having trouble getting a hold cleared, reach out to your Navigator or to the Advising Center at
Plan Your Classes with DegreeWorks
Use the "Summer 2025 Degreeworks Audit" and Student Educational Planner in MyIUP.
The Student Educational Planner will assist you with planning your path toward graduation. Learn more about using the DegreeWorks Audit and Student Educational Planner. (Note: the current Planner info will be copied to the Fall 2025 system, and will be available at a later date. See details about fall courses and changes for DegreeWorks in the Fall 2025: How to Register... section below.)
You can find the "Summer 2025 DegreeWorks Audit" on the DegreeWorks for Students card in MyIUP (search "degreeworks") and on the DegreeWorks Audit card.
Reach out to Your Advisor
You can locate your advisor on the Success Team card on your Dashboard.
Contact your advisor and make an appointment to meet with them.
Meeting with your advisor is vital! You need to make sure you’re taking the correct courses in the correct order so you can complete your requirements for graduation on time. (You don’t need a PIN to register for summer, but you should still plan to meet with your advisor to plan summer and fall classes and get your fall alternate PIN). The University College has advice on meeting with your advisor.
Ready, Set, Register!
You can view the available classes for summer using the Spring/Summer 2025 University-wide Schedule Classes on the Course Registration and Holds card.
When your time appointment arrives, go to the MyIUP portal. On the Dashboard, locate the Course Registration and Holds card, click on Spring/Summer 2025 Registration Toolbox, and get started. We have detailed instructions on how to register.
If there isn’t room in a particular section, you might be able to add yourself to a waitlist. We have detailed instructions about waitlisting.
See the Office of Student Billing for more information about additional fees.
Fall 2025: How to Register for Classes in MyIUP
You will need to meet with your advisor to plan your classes, and they will provide you with your alternate PIN to register for fall 2025 classes.
Some Subject Codes have changed for fall 2025. Be sure to review the changes and use this list as a reference when planning your classes: full list of subject codes for fall 2025.
Undergraduate students should plan on registering for 15 credits each fall and spring to graduate on time.
Check for Your Registration Date
Your registration time can be found in the MyIUP portal. On the Dashboard, locate the Course Registration and Holds card, and click on Fall 2025 Registration Toolbox. Within the toolbox, click Prepare for Registration. Choose the term for registration in the dropdown and click Continue.
You can view the time appointments at the top of this page.
Check for Holds
Holds will be available on March 25, 2025.
The Course Registration and Holds card can be found on your Dashboard. (You can also find it by going to Discover and search for "holds.") On the Course Registration and Holds card, scroll down and click on "Fall 2025 Holds" to open the Student Profile, then click "Registration Notices" in the top right.
(It is a good idea to also check for holds for summer 2025 using the "Summer 2025 Holds" link.)
Holds on your account can stop you from registering on time and prevent you from getting the courses you need. If you have a hold, follow the directions on the hold to resolve it as soon as possible. If you’re having trouble getting a hold cleared, reach out to your Navigator or to the Advising Center at
Plan Your Classes with DegreeWorks
Use the "Fall 2025 Degreeworks Audit" link in MyIUP. Note that these classes will have the new subject codes.
Learn more about using the DegreeWorks Student Audit tool to plan your classes.
You can find the "Fall 2025 DegreeWorks Audit" on the DegreeWorks for Students card in MyIUP (search "degreeworks").
Reach out to Your Advisor
You can locate your advisor on the Success Team card on the Dashboard in the portal.
Contact your advisor and make an appointment to meet with them.
Meeting with your advisor is vital! You need to make sure you’re taking the correct courses in the correct order so you can complete your requirements for graduation on time. Your advisor will also provide you with your alternate PIN, necessary to register for fall classes. The University College has advice on meeting with your advisor.
Ready, Set, Register!
You can view the available classes for fall using the Fall 2025 University-wide Schedule Classes on the Course Registration and Holds card.
When your time appointment arrives, go to the MyIUP portal. On the Dashboard, locate the Course Registration and Holds card, click on Fall 2025 Registration Toolbox, and get started. We have detailed instructions on how to register.
If you are registering for Fall 2025 using a Plan Ahead Plan and experience issues, register using this link. Once you log in, click "Registration" to access the Registration Toolbox.
If there isn’t room in a particular section, you might be able to add yourself to a waitlist. We have detailed instructions about waitlisting.
See the Office of Student Billing for more information about additional fees.
Answers to Additional Registration Questions
Where do I find my Advisor?
You can find your advisor's name in the "Spring/Summer 2025" MyIUP portal on the Success Team card, located on your Dashboard.
Where do I find my registration time?
You can find your registration time in the Course Registration and Holds card. Click on Fall 2025 Registration Toolbox. Within the toolbox, click Prepare for Registration. Choose the term for registration in the dropdown and click Continue.
Where can I get my alternate PIN?
Your alternate PIN number for fall or spring registration is given to you by your academic advisor. Save your PIN, as you will need it if you need to change your schedule after you have registered. (Note: it will no longer be available via MyIUP/Registration Toolbox.)
What do I do if I received a prerequisite error for a Fall 2025 class if I complete the prerequisite during the summer?
Contact your Navigator if you run into a prerequisite issue/error. They will reach out to the appropriate department chair to request a permit. You can find your Navigator in MyIUP on the Success Team card.
What is a Banner ID?
This is your permanent student identification number. This often appears with @, and its eight digits appear above your picture on your I-Card.
In the new system, you will have an ID that begins with a "P", and the number will be different than your previous Banner ID.
How do I register for a class that is restricted or closed?
If you are trying to register for a course and you receive a message that the course is “Restricted—you are not authorized to schedule this,” contact the academic department offering the course for a restriction override permit. If the academic department decides that you have met the prerequisites, the proper departmental personnel will notify you to register yourself for a particular course section. If you try to register for a course that is closed, you must follow the same procedure—report to the academic department offering the course to receive permission to register yourself for the closed course.
When can I adjust my schedule?
All students may make schedule adjustments from their initial time appointment until the end of the official drop/add period, using MyIUP. If any exceptional circumstances exist beyond the end of the drop/add period, undergraduate students must consult the dean of the college of the student’s major. General requirements for the Graduate Education are set forth in the Graduate Catalog.
What if there is a time conflict on my schedule?
Undergraduates must complete a Time Conflict Resolution Form. This form is required if there are two classes conflicting in time. For example, one class begins at the same time another class ends. Forms can be secured from the Scheduling Center, located within the Office of the Registrar on the third floor of Clark Hall, or from one of the departmental offices of the conflicting courses.
What do I do if I am still enrolled and begin to receive notices to pay back my student loans?
You can print your own enrollment verification. Go to the Registrar’s Verification section for more details.
Complete List of Subject Codes for Fall 2025
IUP Prefix Code | IUP Description | OneSIS Prefix Code | OneSIS Description |
ACCT | Accounting | ACCT | Accounting |
ADVT | Advising & Testing | ADVT | Advising & Testing |
ALI | American Language Institute | ALI | American Language Institute |
ALS | Administration & Leadership Studies | ALS | Administration & Leadership Studies |
ANTH | Anthropology | ANTH | Anthropology |
APMU | Applied Music | APMU | Applied Music |
ARED | Art Education | ARED | Art Education |
ARHI | Art History | ARHI | Art History |
ARHU | College of Arts & Humanities | AHMP | College of Arts, Humanities, Media Public Affairs |
ART | Art | ART | Art |
ASIA | Asian Studies | ASIA | Asian Studies |
BCOM | Business Communication | BUSN | Business Communication |
BIOC | Biochemistry | BIOC | Biochemistry |
BIOL | Biology | BIOL | Biology |
BKNG | Baking | BKNG | Baking |
BKPS | Baking & Pastry | BKPS | Baking & Pastry |
BLAW | Business Law | BLAW | Business Law |
BTED | Business Technology Education | BSED | Business Technology Education |
BTST | Business Technology Support | BSIN | Business Technology Support |
BUSN | Business | BUSN | Business |
CDFR | Child Development & Family Relations | CDFR | Child Development & Family Relations |
CDMA | Clinical Medical Assistant | CDMA | Clinical Medical Assistant |
CHEM | Chemistry | CHEM | Chemistry |
CHHS | Health & Human Services | CHHS | Health & Human Services |
CHIN | Chinese | CHIN | Chinese |
CHSS | Humanities & Social Sciences | CHSS | Humanities & Social Sciences |
CJTR | Criminal Justice Training | CJTR | Criminal Justice Training |
CKRY | Cookery | CKRY | Cookery |
CMGT | Culinary Management | CMGT | Culinary Management |
CNSD | Counseling Center | CNSD | Counseling Center |
COMM | Communications Media | COMM | Communications Media |
COMP | Computers | COMP | Computers |
COSC | Computer Science | CMSC | Computer Science |
COUN | Counseling Education | COUN | Counseling Education |
CRIM | Criminology | CRIM | Criminology |
CRLG | Critical Language | FORL | Critical Language |
CULN | Culinary Arts | CULN | Culinary Arts |
CURR | Curriculum & Instruction | EDCI | Curriculum & Instruction |
DISB | Disability Service | DISB | Disability Service |
DVST | Developmental Studies | DEVS | Developmental Studies |
ECED | Early Childhood Education | ECED | Early Childhood Education |
ECON | Economics | ECON | Economics |
ECSP | Early Childhood Education/Special Educati | ECSP | Early Childhood Education/Special Education |
EDAD | Education Administration | EDLD | Education Administration |
EDEX | Education of Exceptional Persons | SPED | Education of Exceptional Persons |
EDHL | Education of Deaf & Hard of Hearing | EEDH | Education of Deaf & Hard of Hearing |
EDSP | Education & School Psychology | SPSY | Education & School Psychology |
EDUC | Education | EDUC | Education |
ELED | Elementary Education | ELED | Elementary Education |
ELMA | Elementary Math | ELMA | Elementary Math |
ELR | Employment & Labor Relations | ELR | Employment & Labor Relations |
ELTC | Elementary Education / Teachers Certificat | ELTC | Elementary Education / Teachers Certification |
EMS | Emergency Medical Services | EMS | Emergency Medical Services |
ENGL | English | ENGL | English |
ENVE | Environmental Engineering | EVEN | Environmental Engineering |
ETIT | Education, Training & Instructional Techno | EDTC | Education, Training & Instructional Technology |
FASH | Fashion Studies | FASH | Fashion Studies |
FCSE | Family & Consumer Science Education | FCSC | Family & Consumer Science Education |
FDED | Foundations of Education | EDFN | Foundations of Education |
FDNT | Food & Nutrition | FONU | Food & Nutrition |
FIAR | Fine Arts | FIAR | Fine Arts |
FIN | Finance | FINA | Finance |
FNLG | Foreign Languages | LITT | Literature |
FRNC | French | FREN | French |
GCOE | Graduate College of Education | RESR | Graduate College of Education |
GEOG | Geography | GEOG | Geography |
GEOS | Geoscience | GEOS | Geoscience |
GERN | Gerontology | GERN | Gerontology |
GMGR | Garde Manager | GMGR | Garde Manager |
GRMN | German | GERM | German |
GSR | Graduate School & Research | RESA | General Graduate Service |
HAWK | Hawks Orientation | HAWK | Hawks Orientation |
HBUS | Honors Business | HBUS | Honors Business |
HDFS | Human Development & Family Science | HDFS | Human Development & Family Science |
HIST | History | HIST | History |
HLPE | Health & Physical Education | HLPE | Health & Physical Education |
HNRC | Robert E. Cook Honors College | HONR | Robert E. Cook Honors College |
HOSP | Hospitality Management | HOSP | Hospitality Management |
HSAD | Health Service Administration | HLCM | Health Service Administration |
IFMG | Information Management | ITMG | Information Management |
IMAG | Medical Imaging | IMAG | Medical Imaging |
INDS | Interior Design | INDS | Interior Design |
ISDS | Information Systems & Decision Sciences | INFS | Information Systems & Decision Sciences |
JAPN | Japanese | JAPN | Japanese |
JRNL | Journalism | JOUR | Journalism |
KHSS | Kinesiology Health & Sports Sciences | KINS | Kinesiology Health & Sports Sciences |
KORE | Korean | KORE | Korean |
LAS | Latin American Studies | LAS | Latin American Studies |
LDRS | Leadership Studies | LDST | Leadership Studies |
LDSP | Leadership Studies | LDSP | Leadership Studies |
LGBT | LGBT & Queer Studies | LGBT | LGBT & Queer Studies |
LIBR | Library | LIBR | Library |
LLRN | Living Learning | LLRN | Living Learning |
LTCY | Literacy | LTCY | Literacy |
MAED | Mathematics Education | MAED | Mathematics Education |
MATH | Mathematics | MATH | Mathematics |
MEDT | Medical Terminology | MEDT | Medical Terminology |
MEDU | Masters in Education | EDTL | Masters in Education |
MGMT | Management | MGMT | Management |
MIDL | Middle Level Education | MIDL | Middle Level Education |
MKTG | Marketing | MKTG | Marketing |
MLSC | Military Science | MLSC | Military Science |
MRSC | Marine Science | MRSC | Marine Science |
MUHI | Music History | MUSI | Music History |
MUSC | Music | MUSI | Music |
NMDT | Nuclear Medicine Technology | NUMD | Nuclear Medicine Technology |
NMTT | Nanomanufacturing Technology | NANO | Nanomanufacturing Technology |
NURS | Nursing | NURS | Nursing |
OLOC | Other Location | OLOC | Other Location |
PARA | Paramedic | PARA | Paramedic |
PHIL | Philosophy | PHIL | Philosophy |
PHYS | Physics | PHYS | Physics |
PLSC | Political Science | POLI | Political Science |
PNAF | Pan African Studies | PNAF | Pan African Studies |
PSYC | Psychology | PSYC | Psychology |
PUBH | Public Health | PBHS | Public Health |
QBUS | Qualitative Business | BUSN | Qualitative Business |
REAL | Real Estate | REAL | Real Estate |
RESP | Respiratory Care | RESC | Respiratory Care |
RGPL | Regional Planning | REPL | Regional Planning |
RHAB | Rehabilitation | RHAB | Rehabilitation |
RLST | Religious Studies | RELI | Religious Studies |
SAFE | Safety Sciences | SAFE | Safety Sciences |
SAHE | Student Affairs in Higher Education | SAHE | Student Affairs in Higher Education |
SCI | Science | GNSC | Science |
SOC | Sociology | SOCI | Sociology |
SOWK | Social Work | SOWK | Social Work |
SPAN | Spanish | SPAN | Spanish |
SPLP | Speech-Language Pathology | SPLN | Speech & Language Pathology |
SPMT | Sport Management | SPMT | Sport Management |
SUST | Sustainability Studies | SUST | Sustainability Studies |
SWMD | Strategic Studies in Weapons of Mass Dest | SWMD | Strategic Studies in Weapons of Mass Destruction |
THTR | Theatre | THEA | Theatre |
TMWK | Effective Teamwork | TMWK | Effective Teamwork |
UGSS | Undergraduate Studies & Student Success | UGSS | Undergraduate Studies & Student Success |
UNIV | University College | UNIV | University College |
UVWD | University-Wide | UVWD | University Wide |
VOED | Vocational Education | VOED | Vocational Education |
WGS | Women & Gender Studies | GNDW | Women & Gender Studies |
XX | General Elective | XX | General Elective |