B.S. in Education Programs Program Revision

Finalized - 5/10/17

John E_ Merryman, Education, Type I & III Writing Intensive, approved

LSC# 119 Includes syllabus for FE 202 American Education in Theory and Practice

Teacher Education Programs, withdrawn 3-18-97

96-10 program revision, UWUCC withdrawn-3/18/97

Teacher Education Program (revised)


Report of the Curriculum Committee of Teacher Education Coordinating Council on the University School

94-71 UWUCC App-1/17/95

Appendix C Relation to Other University Schools

94-71 UWUCC App-1/17/95

Appendix B Response from Program Coordinators and Faculty

94-71 UWUCC App-1/17/95

Appendix A The School's Mission

94-71 UWUCC App-1/17/95

XX281 Special Topics (Lower-Division)

90-35 Generic course number, approved-2/26/91

ST 250 Developing Interpersonal Relationship Skills

96-45 course revision, UWUCC withdrawn-2/13/97

ED 499 Multi-cultural, Multi-ethnic Education

88-1 new course

EDUC 471 Student Teaching

09-22p new course, UWUCC AP-8/18/09, App-9/15/09

EDUC 461 Student Teaching

09-22o new course, UWUCC AP-8/18/09, Senate App-9/15/09

EDUC 453 Teaching of Foreign Languages in the Secondary School, approved 5-7-02

01-45a was Teaching Foreign Languages in the Elementary/Secondary School, course revision, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/23/02, Senate App-5/7/02

EDUC 453 Teaching of Foreign Languages in the Secondary School, approved 4-28-09

08-57 course revision, UWUCC App-4/7/09, Senate App-4/28/09

ED 453 Teaching of Foreign Languages in the Elementary-Secondary Schools

88-15 title change (was Teaching of Foreign Languages in the Secondary School)

EDUC 452 Teaching of English and Communication in the Secondary School, approved 4-17-12 and 5-1-12

11-133 catalog description change, UWUCC AP-4/10/12, Senate App-4/17/12 & 5/1/12

EDUC 451 Teaching Science in the Secondary School

08-59 course revision, UWUCC App-2/17/09, Senate App-3/24/09

EDUC 442 School Law, distance education

06-22 UWUCC App-11/14/06, Senate Info.-12/5/06

EDUC 421 Student Teaching, change in credit hours

09-23j course revision, UWUCC AP-10/20/09, Senate App-12/1/09

EDUC 421 Student Teaching - Middle Level Education Grades 4-8, approved 12-1-09

09-23i course revision, UWUCC AP-10/20/09, Senate App-12/1/09

ED 342 Pre Student Teaching Clinical Experience II, approved 4-4-00

99-45b course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/08/00, Senate App-4/04/00

EDUC 342 Pre-Student Teaching Clinical Experience II, approved 4-28-09

08-58b course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/7/09, Senate App-4/28/09

EDUC 342 Pre-student Teaching Clinical II, approved 4-30-13

12-115 catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/19/13, Senate App-4/30/13

ED 242 Pre Student Teaching Clinical Experience I

99-45a course revision, course description change, UWUCC App-2/08/00, Senate App-4/04/00

EDUC 242 Pre-student Teaching Clinical Experience I

08-58a course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/7/09, Senate App-4/28/09

ED 170 Career Exploration

89-38c new course

ED 160 Learning Strategies

89-38b new course

ED 150 Educational Planning

89-38a new course

EDIR 101 Professional Field Explorations

04-23 new course, UWUCC Withdrawn 10/27/04

BTED 281 Special Topics, BTED 401 Web Design, BTED 442 Training Methods in Business and Information Technology, approved 3-25-14

13-157a catalog prefix changes (was BTST 281 Special Topics,  BTST 401 Web Design, BTST 442 Training Methods in Business and Information Technology), UWUCC App-3/4/14, Senate App-3/25/14