LSC# 41 Includes syllabus for RS 440 History of Christian Thought II
Joel Mlecko, Religious Studies, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 7-12-93LSC# 143 Includes syllabus for RS 481 Athiesm
Tawny Holm, Religious Studies, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 10-03LSC# 232 Includes syllabus for RLST 250 Understanding the Bible
Stuart Chandler, Religious Studies, Type I Professor Recommitment Writing Intensive, approved 10-7-1414-36 LSC App-5/1/14, UWUCC App-9/2/14, Senate App-10/7/14
Stuart Chandler, Religious Studies, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 1-19-04LSC# WI-235 Includes syllabus for RLST 220 Buddhist Thought and Practice
Alison Downie, Religious Studies Type I Writing Intensive, approved 12-3-1313-85 Type I Writing Intensive Professor Commitment, LSC AP-10/10/13, UWUCC App-10/29/13, Senate App-12/3/13
Religious Studies Minor, approved 12-2-1414-94 program revision, UWUCC AP-10/28/14, Senate App-12/2/14
Bachelor of Arts - Religious Studies, approved 4-29-0302-6 a & b program revision (credit reduction), UWUCC App-4/8/03, Senate App-4/29/03
Bachelor of Arts - Religious Studies, approved 3-20-1211-76a program revision, UWUCC App-2/28/12, Senate App-3/20/12
XX281 Special Topics (Lower-Division)90-35 Generic course number, approved-2/26/91
RS 493 Internship in Religious Studies87-13 new course
RLST 485 Selected Topics in Feminist Studies of Religion03-33c new course, UWUCC App-1/20/04, Senate App-3/2/04
RLST 483 Independent Study-Honors02-20i course deletion, UWUCC App-10/22/02, Senate App-11/5/02
RLST 480 Seminar in Religious Studies03-16a new course, UWUCC App-9/23/03, Senate App-10/7/03
RS 440 History of Christian Thought IILS-102 Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-2/2/90, UWUCC App-2/20/90, Senate App-3/6/90
RS 440 Modern Christian Thought96-27 course title change (was History of Christian Thought II), UWUCC App-1/14/97, Senate App-2/4/97
RS 410 History of Christian Thought ILS-101 Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-2/2/90, UWUCC App-2/20/90, Senate App-3/6/90
RS 410 Early Christian Thought96-26 course title change (was History of Christian Thought I), UWUCC App-1/14/97, Senate App-2/4/97
RS 380 Islam, approved 10-10-89LS-106 Non-western & Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-9/21/89, UWUCC App-9/26/89, Senate App-10/10/89
RLST 380 Islam13-28c course revision, catalog description change, LSC AP-5/9/13, UWUCC AP-9/24/13, Senate App-11/5/13
RS 375 Religions of IndiaLS-105 Non-western & Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-9/21/89, UWUCC App-9/26/89, Senate App-10/10/89
RLST 373 Advanced Studies in Buddhism03-16c new course, UWUCC App-9/23/03, Senate App-10/7/03
RS 370 Religions of China and JapanLS-104 Non-western & Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-9/21/89, UWUCC App-9/26/89, Senate App-10/10/89
RLST 370 Religions of China and Japan12-92b course revision, catalog description change, LSC AP-3/14/13, UWUCC AP- 4/2/13, Senate App-4/30/13
AN, RS 365 Native North American Religions00-06 course revision, withdrawn 3/13/01
ANTH 365 Native North American Religions90-3a new course
RLST, ANTH 365 Native North American Religions, approved 11-5-1313-28b course revision, LSC AP-5/9/13, UWUCC AP-9/24/13, Senate App-11/5/13
RS 365 Native North American Religions90-2a new course
90-2b new course
RLST 345 Women in the Bible03-33b new course, UWUCC App-2/10/04, Senate App-3/2/04
RS 329 Philosophy of Religion94-79 course prefix change (was PH), UWUCC App-3/28/95, Senate App-5/2/95
RLST 329 Philosophy of Religion, approved 2-25-1413-93 course revision, catalog description change, LBST AP-11/21/13, UWUCC App-2/4/14, Senate App-2/25/14
RS 312 Archaeology and the Bible, approved 4-5-90LS-129 Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-4/5/90
RS 312 Archaeology and the Bible90-2 requesting liberal studies approval
RS 311 Eastern Philosophy, approved 10-10-89LS-103 Non-western & Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-9/21/89, UWUCC App-9/26/89, Senate App-10/10/89
PH 405 Justice and Human Rights and RS 311 Eastern Philosophy87-9 title change (was Human Rights: Their Basis and Boundaries), prefix change (RS 311 was PH 311)
RLST 311 Eastern Philosophy, approved 12-3-1313-28a course revision, catalog description change, LSC AP-5/9/13 UWUCC AP-11/12/13, Senate App-12/3/13
RS 290 Christianity, approved 10-10-89LS-82 Humanities, LSC App-3/30/89, UWUCC App-9/26/89, Senate App-10/10/89
RS 290 Christianity87-12 new course
RLST 290 Christianity11-143 course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-4/10/12, Senate App-5/1/12
RS 260 American Religious DevelopmentLS-100 Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-9/21/89, UWUCC App-9/26/89, Senate App-10/10/89
RS 250 Understanding the BibleLS-83 Humanities, LSC App-3/30/89, UWUCC App-4/18/89, Senate App-9/12/89
RLST 250 Understanding the Bible, approved 4-17-1211-76c course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-2/14/12, Senate App-4/17/12
RLST 250 Understanding the Bible, distance education, withdrawn 5-15-1413-8 UWUCC R-2/14/12, Withdrawn 5/15/14
RLST 245 Women and Religion03-33a new course, UWUCC App-1/20/04, Senate App-3/2/04
RLST 230, CRLG 164 Biblical Hebrew II02-37b new course, UWUCC App-3/18/03, Senate App-4/1/03
RLST 220 Buddhist Thought and Practice03-16b new course, UWUCC App-9/23/03, Senate App-10/7/03
RLST 220 Buddhism, approved 4-30-1312-92a course revision, course title change (was Buddhist Thought and Practice), LSC AP-3/14/13, UWUCC App-4/2/13, Senate App-4/30/13
RS 210 World ScripturesLS-99 Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-9/21/89, UWUCC App-9/26/89, Senate App-10/10/89
RS 200 Religion and Culture: Their InteractionLS-98 Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-9/21/89, UWUCC App-9/26/89, Senate App-10/10/89
RLST 130, CRLG 114 Biblical Hebrew I02-37a new course, UWUCC App-3/18/03, Senate App-4/1/03
RLST 110 World Religions, distance education08-80 UWUCC App-4/7/09, Senate Info.-4/21/09
RS 110 World ReligionsLS-97 Humanities, LSC App-2/1/90, UWUCC App-2/20/90, Senate App-3/6/90
RLST 110 World Religions11-76d course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-3/6/12, Senate App-3/20/12
RS 100 Introduction to ReligionLS-84 Humanities, LSC App-3/30/89, UWUCC App-4/18/89, Senate 9/12/89
RLST 100 Introduction to Religion11-76b course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-3/6/12, Senate App-3/20/12