Excellence in Progress Leadership Conference
Register for UBORA Men of IUP's Excellence in Progress Leadership Conference, coming up on Saturday, April 20, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
The IUP Student Government Association is the official representative body of IUP students and works to promote and enrich the welfare of all IUP students.
All members of the IUP community are welcome and invited to attend the SGA General Assembly meetings every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Great Room of Elkin Hall. Additional meeting information can be found under the event section of the Student Government Association Crimson Connect web page.
Undergraduate students who would like to join Student Government must be elected by the SGA General Assembly. In order to be eligible for election, students are required to attend two General Assembly meetings and complete the new senator application and have the SGA Senator Petition filled out.
For more information on how SGA works, check out our governing documents: IUP Student Government Association Constitution and Bylaws.
It is the responsibility of Student Government to recognize student organizations. At IUP, all student organizations must have university recognition to reserve space on campus for events, receive a budget from the IUP Student Cooperative Association, and be affiliated with the university.
The SGA Board of Recognition oversees most of the recognition process and can help you start your student organization. Information about starting a new organization and an outline of the steps to get university recognition can be found in the new student organization outline. For help starting the process, contact SGA Chief Justice Daniel Kukula at cyxcc@iup.edu.
Register for UBORA Men of IUP's Excellence in Progress Leadership Conference, coming up on Saturday, April 20, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
The Center for Multicultural Student Leadership and Engagement held its annual Winter Celebration on Friday, December 8.
Eric Barker will present his master's thesis project on Strategic Communications on April 26 at 3:00 p.m. in the Elkin Hall 125 Conference Room.
We would like to congratulate the 2022 Homecoming Crimson Court as we prepare for the upcoming festivities. This year’s court is represented by six IUP students in various degrees and representing multiple student organizations.
It’s that time of year! Cast your vote for the 2022 Homecoming Crimson Court.