A fall scene in the Oak Grove

At IUP, we want to provide you with a safe and supportive campus environment where you will find success and feel at home.

Resources are available to help our students with a wide range of concerns. Many of the individuals and agencies can help you on a confidential basis.

The links below will guide you to multiple on-campus and off-campus services and provide information on campus safety.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can email IUP-Hawks@iup.edu for further information.

Student Support

Links to helpful resources

Where to Turn for Help

A directory of phone numbers covering a variety of concerns (such as academic issues, alcohol and drug issues, eating behaviors, residence hall issues, and sexual health)


What we do to provide you with a safe campus environment, what you can do to stay informed (such as signing up for emergency notifications), links to information on the bystander/Good Samaritan policy for those under 21, and how you can reduce the risk of a problem

IUP Haven Project

Provides education and confidential support services to IUP students who experience violence

IUP Sexual Harassment/Sexual Violence Survivor and Resource Information

Information on medical attention for assault survivors, community services near each campus, and campus security authority coordinators