To assist instructors in detecting plagiarism in student work, and to protect students from plagiarism, IUP subscribes to the Turnitin service, funded through technology fees.
Turnitin is a web-based plagiarism detection service which reviews submitted material for originality of content. Currently within Brightspace, Turnitin can be used as a resource to check for plagiarism via AI-generated content in D2L assignments, but not in D2L discussions or short answer quizzes. Please note that the accuracy of the AI detection tools are controversial and have been discussed within ACPAC recently. ACPAC should be able to provide some more direction on this soon. You can contact The Center for Teaching Excellence as well.
Enable Turnitin
To receive Turnitin Similarity Reports per-assignment in D2L:
- Access your D2L course
- Create a new assignment
- In the Evaluate Feedback section, click the Manage Turnitin link
- In the pop-up that appears, check the box labeled "Enable Similarity Report for this folder" under the Similarity Report heading
- If online grading is desired, also check the box labeled "Enable Online Grading for this folder" under the Online Grading heading
- Click the Save button at the bottom of the pop-up to save the assignment's Turnitin settings
- Fill out the other assignment info fields, then click the Save button to create the assignment
Additional Resources
- Turnitin Help Helpful guides and articles about the Turnitin service
- Invaluable information to educate yourself about plagiarism and how to avoid it