Welcome to Degree Works

Degree Works is a web-based, degree monitoring tool that will assist students in viewing what requirements they will have to complete in order to graduate. Degree Works is accessible to both students and advisors, which will effectively promote closer communication during times of advising and scheduling. So why not let Degree Works work for you?

If you are an academic advisor, please go to Degree Works for Advisors.

Degree Works can be accessed after signing in to MyIUP using your IUP network account. 

Please note that during the university's OneSIS data transition, you may have to access two versions of DegreeWorks, depending on what semester's information you need.

  • Log in to MyIUP and go to Discover.
  • Search for "Degreeworks audit."
  • On the DegreeWorks for Students card, choose:
    • Summer 2025 DegreeWorks Audit
    • Fall 2025 DegreeWorks Audit

The videos below provide an introduction to Degree Works, along with tips on using the “What-If,” Courselink, and locating the Notes section.

If you have any questions about your Degree Works audit, please log in to ihelp.iup.edu using your network credentials. In the subject box list "DegreeWorks" then write a brief description and click submit. Someone from the Degree Works Team will be in contact with you.

Audit /  Worksheet
 Instructional Materials
Student Educational Planner (SEP)
Instructional Materials and FAQ
"What If" Tool
Instructional Materials

DegreeWorks will monitor and track your:

  • Catalog requirements specific to your degree.
  • Total number of completed credits.
  • Courses that you are currently registered for in the upcoming semester.
  • Transfer courses that can be applied to degree or university requirements.
  • Liberal Studies and Liberal Studies Elective requirements.
  • Courses that do not count toward completing specific degree requirements, but can be used for university credit.
  • Overall GPA and Major GPA.