Sean McDaniel on Taking a Chance on the Unknown—Meet Our Faculty

When Sean McDaniel graduated from college, he didn’t know what he didn’t know. But a chance to teach English in Spain led him down a path he never expected to travel. Learn more in this week’s Meet Our Faculty feature.

Sean Derry on Problem-Solving through Art—Meet Our Faculty

For IUP faculty member Sean Derry, finding innovative ways of making things is part of the challenge and the appeal of art. Learn more about him in this week’s Meet Our Faculty feature.

Jana Villemain’s Curious Nature—Meet Our Faculty

Because of the technology and further exploration it involves, Jana Villemain has never lost interest in biochemistry. As a faculty member at IUP, she enjoys sharing that passion. Learn more about her in this week’s Meet Our Faculty feature.

Matthew Vetter on the Power of Language—Meet Our Faculty

For Matthew Vetter, reading and writing are about more than the words on the page. They’re about the impact those words have on our lives and our world. Learn more about him in this week’s Meet Our Faculty feature.

Cuong Diep on Studying What You Can’t See—Meet Our Faculty

For Cuong Diep, studying molecules and proteins is where it’s at. It’s not only given him a career, but also has led to the kind of research that changes lives. Learn more about him in this week’s Meet Our Faculty feature.

John Benhart on the Evolution of Knowledge—Meet Our Faculty

There are laws of science, but true science changes. That’s what excites John Benhart, a professor in IUP’s Department of Anthropology, Geospatial, and Earth Sciences. Learn more about him in this Meet Our Faculty feature.

Rosemary Engelstad on the Power of Music—Meet Our Faculty

As a faculty member in IUP’s Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance, Rosemary Engelstad sees every day how her life’s work impacts her students. It’s something she holds sacred. Learn more about her in this week’s Meet Our Faculty feature.

Jonathan Warnock’s Rock-Star Life—Meet Our Faculty

Jonathan Warnock has always been into rocks. But that interest led him to a curiosity about the Earth, what affects it, and why it is how it is. Learn more about him in this installment of Meet Our Faculty.

Jackie Heisler on Helping People Breathe Easier—Meet Our Faculty

From a young age, Jackie Heisler wanted to help people, and, having a sister with asthma, she found the best way to do it. Now, as a member of IUP’s Allied and Public Health Department, she shares that passion for helping.

Nate Heuer on the Evolving World of Design—Meet Our Faculty

On one hand, Nate Heuer loves how the world of art never stays the same. On the other, he loves its core principles that took root centuries ago. Learn more about him in this installment of Meet Our Faculty.

Tracey Cekada on the Ubiquitousness of Safety—Meet Our Faculty

One of the things Tracey Cekada loves about safety sciences is that jobs in the field are everywhere, and she has helped put IUP graduates in many of them. Learn more about her in this installment of Meet Our Faculty.

Brittany Pollard-Kosidowski on Hitting the Jackpot—Meet Our Faculty

As a professor in the Department of Counseling and Human Development, Brittany Pollard-Kosidowski loves everything about her job—from the creativity required to the commitment to helping. Learn more about her in this week’s Meet Our Faculty Feature.

Gwen Torges on the Path to Her Profession—Meet Our Faculty

When Gwen Torges was an undergrad, going after a master’s degree and teaching at the college level seemed like pursuits for someone else. But then she tried them both, and her life changed direction.

Waleed Farag on the Noble Profession—Meet Our Faculty

Waleed Farag’s career can be compared to a quote from Mark Twain: “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Learn more about him in this week’s Meet Our Faculty.

Suneel Maheshwari on Inherited Interest—Meet Our Faculty

Suneel Maheshwari always knew his father was someone special. A leading academic in the accounting and finance field, S. N. Maheshwari passed along his expertise to his son, who is now sharing it in the Eberly College of Business.

Janis Barner on Caring as a Career—Meet Our Faculty

Before becoming a faculty member in the Department of Nursing, Janis Barner worked in the field. Now she shares her experiences with her students, helping them get into one of the country’s most needed professions.