Indiana University of Pennsylvania provides email services to all students and employees.

IUP has instituted a communication policy regarding email. The policy defines IUP email as an official means of communication for the university. The policy reads, in part:

Indiana University of Pennsylvania provides email services to all students and employees as an official method of communication. Students and employees (except those employees who do not normally have access to email) have a responsibility to read their IUP email accounts and, if responding to or sending email about IUP business, use their IUP email accounts to do so.

The entire policy can be viewed at Use of IUP Email as an Official Means of Communications.


Email Aliases

An alias is defined as an alternate email name (e.g., an alternative to your username).

Your email account is defined by your IUP computing username. Your username is also your email address ( IUP has defined an email alias for all users. This alias can be used as an alternate email name for your IUP email as your email alias can be used instead of your username when others send you email.

Email aliases are displayed in the "email address" section of the IUP Directory.

Student Aliases

  • Student email aliases will be assigned using the format F.M.Last####, (where F = First Initial, M = Middle Initial, Last = complete last name, and ### = sequential number beginning with null, 2,3,4, etc.). For example, the first John R. Doe will have the alias set as J.R.Doe; the second John R. Doe will have the alias set as J.R.Doe2.
  • If a student has no middle initial, the alias will take the form FirstInitial.Lastname### (e.g., J.Doe). Numbers will be used as stated above.
  • Students will not be permitted to change their email alias.

Employee Aliases

  • Employee email aliases will be assigned using the format First.Last#### where First = complete first name, Last = complete last name, and ### = sequential number beginning with null, 2,3,4, etc. if more than 1 person has had that assigned alias. For example, the first John Doe will have the alias set as John.Doe; the second John Doe will have the alias set as John.Doe2.
  • Employees can change their email alias one time unless the provided documentation on legal name changes. If an employee has a legal name change, they will be permitted to change their email alias.

When configuring an email client (e.g., Outlook or Thunderbird) be careful to use the correct email alias if you are changing the "From Address" from your username to your email alias. Improper configuration can create issues when others reply to one of your messages.

How to Find or Change Your Email Alias

Your email alias can be obtained using MyIUP or by searching for your name using the IUP People Search web page. On the IUP People Search web page, your email alias will be displayed as your email address.

An employee can change his email alias by logging in to MyIUP and following the steps below. Students cannot change their alias unless they have had a legal name change. Please keep in mind that employees may only change their email alias one time. After the permitted change, only legal name changes can alter an employee's email alias.

If you have had a legal name change and your email alias needs to be changed:

  • Students: Please contact the Registrar's Office to process the name change. When making the request, also ask them to update your email alias.
  • Employees: Please contact the Office of Human Resources to process the name change. When it has been processed and your new name appears in the online directory, please contact IT Support to update your email alias.

For any email alias change, you will need to manually update your display name in the Outlook Web App (OWA) and any email client software that you use.

To find your email alias:

Step 1: Log In to MyIUP.

Step 2: Access Your Personal Information

  1. Go to Discover and search for "computer."
  2. On the My Information, Data, and Accounts card, select Computer Account Information.
  3. You will see your computer account information, including username, initial password, network domain, and email alias. Record this information.
  4. If you wish to change your email alias, go to step 3. Otherwise, click the Exit button to log out of URSA.

Step 3: Change Your Email Alias (One Allowed Change for Employees Only)

  1. From the screen which displays your computer account information, you will see "If you wish to change your email alias, please Click Here." Select Click Here.
  2. Carefully review the usage and criteria information displayed on the next screen. It is important that you read and understand this information because you will only be permitted to change your alias one time.
  3. Enter the email alias you wish to use in the appropriate text box.
  4. Review the alias you've entered to be sure that you have not made any mistakes.
  5. Select Change Email Alias. You will see a response message stating The email alias change request was submitted successfully.
  6. The email alias request will be processed within one business day. Until it has been processed, please continue to use your original email alias. You can check to see if your email alias has been processed by searching for your record using the IUP People Search web page. The request has been processed when the new alias appears in the email address field.

Can I use my alias instead of the username to log in to my email account?

No, you always use your username to access your email account.  

Does the email alias change my username?

No, your username does not change, and you will still need to use your username to authenticate to the email server.


Email attachment filtering by file extension

To help protect the IUP network and its users, IUP does not permit delivery of email messages that contain high-risk attachments. Email messages that contain attachments of any of the file types noted below will not be delivered to IUP email accounts.

When such an attachment is encountered, the IUP email system will return the message to the sender with a note reporting that the message cannot be delivered because it contains a restricted attachment.

Please note that if you include a file of these types in a ZIP file, even though you rename the ZIP file per the renaming note, the attachment will still not send. 

Restricted File Extensions:
Ext Description Ext Description
.app Program .lnk Shortcut
.bat Batch file .msi Install control file
.bas Basic program .msp Windows installer patch
.chm Compiled html help .mst Visual Test Source File
.cmd Windows command script .pcd Photo CD Image
.com MS-DOS program .pif Shortcut to MS-DOS program
.cpl Control Panel extension .reg Registration entries
.dmg Disk image .scr Screen saver
.docm Word doc with macro .sct Windows script component
.exe Program .shs Shell object
.inf Set up .svb VBScript file
.iqy Excel web query .vbe VBScript encoded file
.hlp Windows help file .vbs Visual Basic script file
.ht Microsoft HyperTerminal .wsc Windows script component
.hta HTML application .wsf Windows Script file
.jar Java Archive .wsh Windows Script host settings file
.js JScript Script file
.jse Jscript Encoded Script file
.zip Archive / Compression Files, defined here to include zip plus the following file types: ACE, ARC, ARJ, BH, BZIP2, GZ, GZIP, HOX, LHA, LZH, OMV, RAR, TAR, TAR.GZ, TAR.BZ2, SEA, SIT, Z, ZOO

When files with these extensions need to be exchanged, the sender and receiver can use one of the following options:

  • See the Renaming email attachments link to rename extension of file
  • Exchange files via your OneDrive space, network share or Teams space

Renaming email attachments

Renaming a file to include an extension that is not restricted is the easiest way to work within the requirements of attachment filtering. The steps below outline how to accomplish renaming files for an email exchange.

  1. Click once on the desired file, then right-click and select Rename from the pop-up menu.
  2. When the file name is highlighted, retype the file name with an extension that is not restricted. For example, the file "test.exe" would be renamed to "testfile-exe.txt."
  3. When you see the "Rename" dialog box, you will need to select Yes to rename the file.
  4. Attach and send the file using your desired email client (e.g., Outlook).
  5. The person who receives the message must rename the attached file back to its original name. Once they save the attachment to a desired location, follow steps 1 through 3 to rename the file.

Setting up email on your device

Configuring email on mobile devices using IUP's MDM Service

If your device is university-owned, Office 365 is installed and waiting for a password.

For iOS devices, go to Settings --> Accounts & Passwords --> IUP Office 365 --> Account and enter your network password in the password field.

For Android devices, go to the Agent app, click Notifications, click the Exchange Email Password Required message, and enter your password twice.


Manually setting up email on an iOS device

Your IUP email account can be set up on your iPhone in the Settings app. It will be configured under Accounts and Passwords. Follow these instructions to set up email on an iOS device. If the server configuration is required, then please use the Office 365 email Server Configuration Info FAQ entry below.

Manually setting up email on an Android device

Your IUP email can be set up either through the Gmail app or the email app for Android phones. There is also the option for using the Outlook application. Follow these instructions to set up email on an Android device. If the server configuration is required, then please use the Office 365 email Server Configuration Info FAQ entry below.

How to set up email on Windows 10 mail

Your IUP email can be set up either through the Mail application on your Windows 10 computer. Follow these instructions to set up email on Windows 10 mail. If the server configuration is required, then please use the Office 365 email Server Configuration Info FAQ entry below.

Install Office 365 on my home PC


You can download Office 365 to your home machine and/or non-standard machine as follows:

  1. Browse to and log in with your network/MyIUP username/password.
  2. On the right-hand side of the landing page (above People), click on the Install Office apps drop-down, then select Office 2016.
  3. You will then follow the step-by-step instructions to install the applications on your machine.

How do I configure outlook on my Mac?

Open the Outlook Desktop client on your Mac. 

If you are not prompted to enter your IUP email address, go to Preferences > Accounts to Add Email Account.  Click Add Email Account.

Enter your email address -

When prompted, log in to the Web Single Sign On screen to log in with your IUP credentials.

If you are signed up for Duo, complete the multifactor authentication.

You will be connected to your email account and folders will start to appear and load in the client.

How do i install Office 365 on my Mac?

You can download Office 365 to your home machine and/or non-standard machine as follows:

  1. Browse to and log in with your network/MyIUP username/password.
  2. On the right-hand side of the landing page (above People), click on the Install Office apps drop-down, then select Office 2016.
  3. You will then follow the step-by-step instructions to install the applications on your machine.

Office 365 email Server Configuration Info

The following is the information you will need to configure IUP's incoming and outgoing mail server of email clients, or when setting up the account on a mobile phone or other mobile device.

Blocked Extension Listing
Incoming Mail Server
Incoming Mail Server Port 993
Incoming Security Type TLS
Outgoing Mail Server
Outgoing Mail Server Port 587
Outgoing Security Type STARTTLS



Email Non-Delivery Report Information

Senders of email messages to IUP email accounts that do not exist, are not active, or that have exceeded their space quota will receive a Non-Delivery Report message.

The following steps should be taken:

  1. If the Non-Delivery Report message states that the recipient has an "unknown user account," the sender can search for the individual using the IUP Online Directory.

  2. If the Non-Delivery Report message states "account is full (quota exceeded)," it is recommended that the sender contact the office or department of the intended recipient. Contact information for each specific office or department can be found by searching our A to Z index.