Serving as the institutional memory of Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Record Group (RG) collections document the fascinating history of IUP from its creation as Indiana State Normal School in 1875 to the present day. Locate archival information in Record Groups by using collection finding aids listed below. 

Record Groups include information created by campus offices, academic departments, and the unions represented at the university. Specific record groups from IUP offices and departments include:

Visit IUP Publications and IUP History for more archival materials from IUP's history.

Finding Aids for Record Group Collections

RG# Collection Finding Aid Inclusive Dates Research Interests
RG 1 Stock Certificates related to Indiana State Normal School 1869-1928 Stock Certificates related to the purchase and sale of stock associated with Indiana State Normal School
RG 2 Administrative Manuals 1949-1991 Employee Publications, see Record Group 100
RG 3 IUP Council of Trustees 1871-present History, Meeting Minutes, and Records; for more information, visit Council of Trustees
RG 4 IUP Buildings and Grounds 1875-present Campus Maps and History, see Record Group 45, and visit the Office of Facilities Management
RG 5 Board of Normal School Principals Proceedings 1896-1974 History and Publications, includes Board of State College and University Directors, which became PASSHE (Record Group 8) and see Record Group 11
RG 6 Review of the Personnel Policies of the Board of Presidents 1950-1987 Policies and Office files
RG 7 University College 2020s-present Documentation and Reports, visit University College
RG 8 Board of Governors of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) 1983-present Board of Governors, Meeting Minutes, Policies, and Reports; for more information about PASSHE, visit the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education
RG 9 Commission for State Colleges and Universities 1965-1999 Minutes, Policies and Reports
RG 10 Annual Statements and Reports to the Trustees 1909-2000s Annual Reports from Principals and Presidents; for more information, visit Council of Trustees
RG 11 Office of the President 1909-present Meeting Minutes, Reports, and Office files; for more information, visit Office of the President
RG 12 Association of Educational Office Employees (IUPAES) Records 1964-1984 Newsletters, Committees, Reports, and Minutes
RG 13 President's Reports 1949-1994 Reports, correspondence, publications, see Record Group 11, and visit the Office of the President
RG 14 Councils and Committees 1930s-present Committee Files, Minutes, and Reports
RG 15 Women's Advisory Council 1919-1994 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; and Press Releases
RG 16 IUP School of Continuing and Non-Resident Education 1974-2000s Reports, Office files, and Promotional Materials
RG 17 IUP College of Education and Communications 1932-present Curriculum, Programs, and Teaching Materials; for more information, visit Education and Communications
RG 18 IUP School of Graduate Studies and Research 1954-present Reports, Meeting Minutes, Admissions, and Manuals; for more information visit Graduate Studies and Research
RG 19 University School 1897-2004 Reports, Budgets, Meeting Minutes, and Curriculum, also known as the Model School and the Keith School
RG 20 Faculty News & Drum Sounds 1948-1987 IUP Publication and Faculty Newsletter
RG 21 The Penn Student Newspaper 1925-present Online after 2019, the IUP Student Newspaper, visit The Penn, see Record Group 47 
RG 22 Daily Bulletin 1928-1986 IUP Publication, campus announcements, and news events
RG 23 IUP Yearbooks 1888-1996 Yearbooks: Clionian (1888), Empanda (1896), Instano (1912-1927) and the Oak (1928-1996); visit Yearbooks
RG 24 Campus Directories 1935-2015 Online after 2015, Campus contact information, see Find People
RG 25 Office of Public Information 1940-1988 Press Releases, News, Publications, and Scrapbooks; see Record Group 63; visit Marketing and Communications
RG 26 IUP Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs 1875-present Campus Information, Tuition, and IUP History; for more information, visit Academic Catalogs - Registrar
RG 27 Student Publications and Projects 1903-2010s Publications, Projects, History, and Newsletters, see Record Group 48
RG 28 Office of Alumni Relations 1880-present Publications, including the IUP Magazine, and Reunions, see Alumni Association, for more information, visit Alumni
RG 29 Student Handbooks 1928-present Online after 2015-2016, Student Polices, Rules, and Regulations; for more information, see Student Policy Index A-Z - Student Affairs
RG 30 John J. and Char Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics 1944-present Publications, Reports, Office files, and Planning; for more information, visit John J. and Char Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
RG 31 Home Economics Department and the Home Economics Club 1930s-1990s Department Files, Meeting Minutes, Newsletters, Publications, Reports, Scrapbooks, and Club Songs
RG 32 IUP Football Team 1912-present Football Game Programs, Recordings, and Memorabilia; see Record Group 62 IUP Athletics
RG 33 IUP Department of Music 1910s-present Department Files, Performances, and Recordings; for more information, visit the Music Department
RG 34 ARMY ROTC Program 1954-1975 Program Documentation, Files, and Scrapbooks; for more information, visit ROTC
RG 35 IUP Commencement 1876-present Student Societies and Graduation Information
RG 36 Faculty Record Cards 1920s-1970s Faculty information and schedule of classes, see Record Group 100 Office of Human Resources
RG 37 University Senate 1966-present Curriculum, Meeting Minutes, Reports, visit the University Senate
RG 38 Division of Academic Affairs and the Provost 1962-present Reports, Program Evaluation, Planning, and Minutes, visit the Division of Academic Affairs
RG 39 Campus Anniversaries 1900-present Programs, Memorabilia, and Events, see Record Group 50
RG 40 Division of Student Affairs and Vice President 1949-2010s Reports, Publications, Societies, and Workshops, visit the IUP Division of Student Affairs
RG 41 Convocation Programs 1974-present Freshmen Convocation and Honors Convocation
RG 42 Sabbatical Leave Committee 1982-2010s Meeting Minutes, and Reports
RG 43 Accreditation 1941-present Publications, Reports, and Certificates; for more information, see Accreditation and Program Review - Academic Affairs
RG 44 Faculty Organization 1877-2010s Meeting Minutes and Handbooks, see Record Group 49
RG 45 Office of Campus Planning 1925-present Facilities, Publications, Photographs, and Reports; for more information, visit the Office of Facilities Management
RG 46 Student Government Association (SGA) 1961-1987 Students, Meeting Minutes, Office files, and Reports; for more information, visit Student Government Association
RG 47 Student Cooperative Association (Co-Op) 1925-present Files, Minutes and Reports; for more information, visit IUP Student Cooperative Association (The Student Co-Op)
RG 48 The Center for Multicultural Student Leadership and Engagement 1939-present Student Life, Organizations, Greek Life, and Photographs; for more information, visit the Center for Multicultural Student Leadership and Engagement
RG 49 Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF) 1969-present Faculty Union, CBA, Minutes and Newsletters (see also Manuscript Group 207); for more information, visit APSCUF
RG 50 Special Events and Programs 1960s-present Campus memorabilia and Scrapbooks
RG 51 Center for Community Affairs 1976-1986 Meeting Minutes, Photographs, Projects, and Reports
RG 52 Office of the Registrar 1875-present Student Enrollment, Reports, Statistics; for more information, visit Registrar
RG 53 Memorabilia and Ephemera 1875-present IUP Memorabilia, Photographs, and Scrapbooks
RG 54 African American Cultural Center 1970s-2010s Student Life; for more information, visit the Center for Multicultural Student Leadership and Engagement
RG 55 Student Teaching 1954-1979 Students, Publications and Conferences
RG 56 Student Billing Office Business Records 1874-1990s Student Billing, Ledgers, Finances and Reports; for more information, visit Student Billing
RG 57 American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) 1985-1996 Employee Union, CBA, Meeting Minutes, Newsletters, and Reports; for more information, visit AFSCME Benefits  - Human Resources
RG 58 Women's Judicial Board 1939-1967 Meeting Minutes and Reports
RG 59 Phi Beta Kappa & Phi Delta Kappa 1960-1979 Student Honor Societies, Applications, Meeting Minutes, Publications
RG 60 University Libraries 1890-present Meeting Minutes, Publications, and Reports; for more information, visit University Libraries
RG 61 Posters and Broadsides Collection 1990s-present Students, Performances, Campus Events, and Popular Culture; see Record Group 136
RG 62 IUP Athletics 1940s-present Sports, Press Releases, Publications, and Memorabilia; see Record Group 32 IUP Football Team
RG 63 Division of Marketing and Communications (MARCOM) 1988-present Press Releases, Campus News, Publications, and Photographs; see Record Group 25, visit the Division of Marketing and Communications 
RG 64 University Publications 1960s-present Publications and Documents by Employees and Alumni (see Manuscript Groups)
RG 65 Faculty Textile Collection 1896-2010s Caps & Gowns, Clothing, Pennants, Memorabilia (see Record Group 53)
RG 66 Foundation for IUP 1967-present Fundraising, Meeting Minutes, and Reports; see also Record Group 92 (Campaigns for IUP) and Record Group 125 (Division of Institutional Advancement); for more information, visit Foundation for IUP
RG 67 Audio and Video Recordings 1930s-present Audio and Video Recordings related to IUP and Indiana County, Pennsylvania
RG 68 Student Advising Records 1940s-1950s Student records from veterans returning from World War Two and the Korean War.  Visit Academic Advising
RG 69 The Inkwell 2004-2014 IUP Student Journal of Social Science Research
RG 70 College of Arts and Humanities 2021-present Office files, Publications, and Reports; for more information, visit College of Arts and Humanities
RG 71 IUP Centers and Offices 1990s-present IUP Publications, Programs, Brochures, and Reports
RG 72 IUP Admissions Office 1980s-present IUP Publications for Prospective Students, Applications; for more information, visit Admissions
RG 73 Punxsutawney Regional Campus and the Culinary Institute 1962-present Publications, News Releases, and Reports (see also Record Group 4); for more information, visit Punxsutawney
RG 74 Northpointe Regional Campus 1963-2020s Publications, Photographs, News Releases, and Programs (formerly Armstrong Campus)
RG 75 Public Affairs Forum 1959-1982 Forums and Correspondence
RG 76 IUP Magazine 1989-present IUP Publications, see Record Group 28, visit IUP Magazine
RG 77 James Wakefield University Photograph Collection 1960-2000 Images of Campus Events and Student Activities, Sports, and Buildings & Grounds
RG 78 Ronald Juliette University Photograph Collection 1845-1976 IUP History and Photographs
RG 79 John Bender University Photograph Collection 1980s-2000s IUP History and Photographs
RG 80 Executive Assistant to the President 1969-2010s Office files, publications, event planning, and reports
RG 81 University Photograph Collection 1870s-present IUP History and Photographs of campus, people, and Indiana, Pennsylvania
RG 82 President's Commission on Women at IUP 2003-2010s Meeting minutes and reports; visit Women's Commission - Diversity Commissions and Councils
RG 83 Communications Media Videos by Richard Lamberski 2006-2010s Video Productions created by the Department of Communications Media
RG 84 Carol Teti Memorial Organ Scholarship Committee 1994-present Students, Scholarships, Committee meetings, newsletters, and events
RG 85 John P. Murtha Institute for Homeland Security 2003-2011 Campus Center, Research, files, memorabilia, presentations
RG 86 The Center for Teaching Excellence and the Reflective Practice Project 1978-present Faculty workshops; for more information, visit The Center for Teaching Excellence and the Reflective Practice Project
RG 87 IUP Diploma and Certificate Collection 1879-1964 Alumni Diplomas including signed awards from the Music Conservatory and Literary Societies
RG 88 Inauguration and Investiture of the University President 1980-2013 IUP History, University President, campus events
RG 89 Office of Public Safety and University Police 1990s-present University Police, Parking, Campus Safety, and Statistics; for more information, visit Police
RG 90 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Department of Public Instruction 1926-1959

State Council of Education, University Status documents

RG 91 IT Support Center 1980s-present History of systems and academic computing on campus
RG 92 Campaigns for IUP 1987-present Fundraising for the University, see also Record Group 66 (Foundation for IUP) and Record Group 125 (Division of Institutional Advancement)
RG 93 Oral History Interviews 2008-present Interviews with IUP employees and the Indiana community
RG 94 Honor and Leadership Societies 2000s-2010s Student organizations including Phi Kappa Phi and Golden Key
RG 95 Office of International Education 2010s-present International Students, and Study Abroad Opportunities
RG 96 Military and Veterans Resource Center 2010s-present Veteran Services; Student Academic Services; for more information, visit Military and Veterans Resource Center
RG 97 IUP Department of Disability Access and Advising 2000s-present Student Academic Services, for more information, visit Department for Disability Access and Advising
RG 98 News and Events 2008-present IUP Campus Events and Announcements
RG 99 Allegheny Arboretum 2006-present Oak Grove, Trees on Campus, and Environmentalism, for more information, visit Allegheny Arboretum
RG 100 Office of Human Resources 2010s-present Employee Resources, Documents, and Policies; for more information, visit Human Resources
RG 101 Office of Planning and Assessment 2008-present Strategic Planning, Assessment, Enrollment and Performance
RG 102 New Growth Arts Review 1976-present Student literary magazine, poetry, short stories, and photography, visit New Growth Arts Review
RG 103 Oral History Interviews conducted by Public History Program 1983-2004 Interviews about the Rhetoric and Linguistics Program, IUP Libraries, and other projects conducted by Public History Program students, see Department of History
RG 104 Eberly College of Business 1960s-present Programs, Brochures, Building Dedication, see Record Group 4, and visit the Eberly College of Business
RG 105 Cook Honors College 1990s-present Honors College, Whitmyre Hall, Convocation and Commencement, see Record Group 35
RG 106 IUP Department of Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences 1900s-present Department Files, Keystone Lantern Slides, and Awards; see also Manuscript Group 160 and Record Group 127; and visit the Department website
RG 107 Campus Ministry Collection 1960s-1990s Religious Life, Engagement, and Diversity Initiatives in Indiana County, see Manuscript Group 135
RG 108 Panhellenic Association 1960s-present Greek Life, Sororities and Fraternities, see Record Group 48 
RG 109 Women's and Gender Studies 1990s-present Information about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, for more information, visit Women's and Gender Studies
RG 110 COVID-19 Coronavirus Documentation 2019-present Correspondence, Documents, Memorabilia, Photographs, Publications documenting COVID-19
RG 111 IUP Dance Theater Program 1990s-2021 Performances directed by Holly Boda-Sutton, for more information, see Record Group 135 and visit Theatre, Dance, and Performance 
RG 112 IUP Department of Journalism and Public Relations 1960s-2021 Department Files and Academic Programs, for more information, visit Communications Media
RG 113 IUP Department of Foreign Languages 1950s-2020s Department Files and Academic Programs, for more information, this department was combined with the IUP Department of English (see Record Group 121) visit Department of Language, Literature, and Writing
RG 114 IUP Department of Finance and Economics 1970s-2021 Department Files and Academic Programs, for more information, visit Finance and Economics
RG 115 Liberal Studies Program 1960s-present Program Files, for more information, visit Liberal Studies
RG 116 IUP History Collection 1875-present Publications, Written Histories, Cross-referenced Interviews, and Documents related to the History of IUP
RG 117 Social Studies Program 1950s-2000s Department Files, for more information, see Record Group 122 and visit the IUP Department of History, Philosophy, Political Science, and Religious Studies
RG 118 IUP Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice 1960s-present Department Files and Academic Programs, for more information, visit Criminology and Criminal Justice
RG 119 IUP Department of Political Science 1960s-2020s Department Files and Academic Programs, for more information (see Record Group 122) visit the Department of History, Philosophy, Political Science, and Religious Studies - IUP
RG 120 IUP Department of Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences 1970s-present Department Files and Academic Programs, for more information, visit the Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences Department
RG 121 IUP Department of Language, Literature, and Writing 1950s-present Department Files and Academic Programs, this collection was formerly the IUP Department of English, for more information, visit the Department of Language, Literature, and Writing
RG 122 IUP Department of History, Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies 1950s-present Department Files and Academic Programs, this collection was formerly the IUP Department of History, for more information, visit the HPPR Department
RG 123 IUP Department of Nursing and Allied Health Professions 1970s-present Department Files and Academic Programs, for more information, visit Nursing and Allied Health Professions
RG 124 IUP Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 1970s-present Department Files and Academic Programs, for more information, visit Mathematical and Computer Sciences
RG 125 Division of University Advancement 1990s-present Office Files, see also Record Group 66 (Foundation for IUP) and Record Group 92 (Campaigns for IUP)
RG 126 IUP College of Health and Human Services (CHHS) 1990s-present CHHS and Academic Programs, for more information, visit the College of Health and Human Services
RG 127 IUP Department of Geoscience 1970s-2020s Department Files and Academic Programs, for more information, see Record Group 106 and visit the Department of Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences website
RG 128 Studies in the Humanities 1960s-present Multidisciplinary academic journal, for more information, visit the Studies in the Humanities
RG 129 IUP Safety Sciences  and Environmental Engineering Department 1980s-present Department Files and Academic Programs, for more information, visit the Safety Sciences and Environmental Engineering Department
RG 130 IUP Department of Biology 1940s-present Department Files and Academic Programs, for more information, visit the Biology Department
RG 131 IUP Department of Accounting and Information Systems 1980-present Department Files and Academic Programs, for more information, visit Accounting and Information Systems
RG 132 IUP Department of Hospitality and Employment Relations 1979-present Department Files and Academic Programs, for more information, visit Hospitality and Employment Relations
RG 133 IUP Department of Art and Design 1927-present Department Files and Academic Programs, for more information, visit the Department of Art and Design
RG 134 University Museum at IUP 1976-present Exhibits and Events, visit University Museum
RG 135 IUP Department of Theatre, Dance, and Performance 1900-present Events and Performances, see Record Group 111 Theater Dance Program, visit Theatre, Dance, and Performance  
RG 136 Ovations! and Lively Arts Performances at IUP 1960s-present IUP Events, Performances and Posters, see departments, Ovations! and Lively Arts
RG 137 Madia Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics 1970s-present Department Files and Academic Programs, for more information, visit the Madia Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics
RG 138 IUP Department of Psychology 1970s-present Department Files and Academic Programs, for more information, visit Psychology
RG 139 IUP Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies 1970s-2020s Department Files and Academic Programs, for more information, visit History, Philosophy, Political Science, and Religious Studies
RG 140 IUP Department of Communications Media 2000s-present Department Files, the Journal of Communications Media Studies, for more information, visit Communications Media
RG 141 The I-Uppers Collection 1960s-2000 Student Organization of IUP Singers, Events, Programming, Photographs, see also Record Group 81
RG 142 The Sign Language Club Collection 1980s-1990s Student Organization to promote American Sign Language, see also Crimson Connect
RG 143 IUP Men's and Women's Basketball Team Collection 1940s-present Basketball Team Programs, see Record Group 62 IUP Athletics and Record Group 81 University Photographs
RG 144 IUP Track & Field and Cross Country Team Collection 1960s-present Programs and Scrapbooks, see Record Group 62 IUP Athletics and Record Group 81 University Photographs
RG 145 IUP Student Lecture Notes 1960s Lecture notes collected from alumni about IUP courses
RG 146 IUP Kathleen Jones White Writing Center Collection 1971-present Brochures, Correspondence, Publications, Reports, and Tutoring Guides, see also Record Group 121 
RG 147 Business Education in the IUP Department of Professional Studies in Education 1960s-present BSED Program, including correspondence and conferences, see also Record Group 17 and Record Group 104, and visit the IUP Department of Professional Studies in Education
RG 148 The IUP Social Justice Project 1875-present Discovering resources about diversity, equity and inclusion in the IUP Special Collections and University Archives
RG 149 The LGBTQIA Support Collection 1990s-present Information about organizations and commissions that support the LGBTQIA community at IUP
RG 150 IUP Department of Counseling 2003-present Department Files and Academic Programs, for more information, visit Department of Counseling