Description: This study documented the extent of services delivered to 1,000 battered women identified through court records and battered women advocates in Pittsburgh. The women were informed in court and contacted by phone about the availability of one of three outreach options: 1) weekly phone counseling, 2) group counseling at the Women's Center of Pittsburgh, or 3) a relationship education class for women and their batterers at the Women's Center.

Goal: to develop and evaluate an innovative outreach program to battered women whose batterers have appeared in criminal or civil court.

Principal Investigator: Edward Gondolf

Source of funding: Staunton Farms Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA via Women's Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh
Type of Study: Evaluation Research
Effort: 5%
Contract length: 3 years
Period: January 1993 to December 1995
Total Amount: $23,500 services/plus $3,000 expenses